Austin Roofing Contractors | Longhorn Roofing

Austin Roof Repair

Written by Tom Green | 1/17/18 9:20 PM

If you’ve been thinking about getting some winter roof repair done, we have some advice: GO FOR IT!

The Longhorn Roofing team is often asked whether or not we can do roof repair in the winter.

That might make it seem like roof repairs in winter are to be avoided. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, many roofing contractors like getting big projects done in the winter rather than the summer, particularly in the Austin area where the weather permits roofing work.

Although winter does have its own hazards, roofers are trained to safely navigate the slope of a roof - in all seasons. So, if you’re worried that it’s too cold, don’t – we can handle it!

Here are some other reasons not to put your Austin roof repair work off until after winter:

1) Leaks Progress Faster in the Winter

Snow and ice are two of your roof’s biggest enemies. The way snow piles up makes it easy to damage an older roof by applying uneven pressure. As snow melts away, it can pool and eventually seep into the roof, presenting damage that rain wouldn’t. If gutters are clear, rain runs right off. However, snow can continue to cause damage for several hours after the final snowfall.

2) Vent Pipe Leaks Happen More Easily in Winter

Just about every home in Austin has at least one rooftop pipe. These vent pipes are used to provide ventilation, and are especially vulnerable to leakage, warping and cracking when the temperature changes rapidly. Therefore, you suspect a leak in the area of a vent pipe, it should be inspected and repaired right away.

3) Left Alone, An Unkempt Roof Can Damage Your Home’s Foundation

Although gutters aren't typically associated with a home's foundation, they can cause damage if they're not cleaned seasonally.

Most homeowners get around to cleaning the gutters once or twice a year, but it’s definitely not a favorite pastime once the cold and wet winter weather hits! When snowfall accumulates on your roof and clogs your gutters, it changes the way runoff exits the roof as it melts. This can force water to drain close to the foot of your structure and, over time, cause the foundation to sink. Some important, but simple, roof repairs can fend off the issue.

When you need the best roof repair in Austin, it’s never a good idea to wait. The sooner you get started, the more money you are likely to save in the long run by protecting your investment.

We're an All-Weather Roofing Contractor

Although some roofing contractors might hesitate to get up on the roof in winter, that’s where our team is most at home. Longhorn Roofing is a true “all-weather” roofing contractor that will do the job right -- rain or shine...or snow, for that matter!

Contact us today to discuss your project and to get an estimate. We look forward to helping you.