Austin Roofing Contractors | Longhorn Roofing

Roof Ventilation

Written by Tom Green | 9/19/17 8:50 PM

While we all want a new roof that is attractive and good-looking, there is one critical factor that is often overlooked: ventilation.

Here are a couple of reasons why ventilation is so important for a roof:

1. Ventilation Helps Overall Roof Performance

Oftentimes, there is a misconception that ventilation only benefits you during the summer months and that it's main function is to let off the heat that collects in the attic. Before considering a new roof, homeowners need to understand the role that ventilation plays in the overall performance of the roof. A proper ventilation system has both an effective intake and exhaust ventilation. With both of these in place, ventilation can efficiently:

  • Reduce heat and moisture.
  • Prevent ice damming.
  • Extend the life of the roof by reducing stress from heat and cold.

2. Ventilation Can Extend the Life of Existing Roofs

It is important to know that you don't have to wait until your roof needs replacing to put in a ventilation system. Longhorn Roofing experts are able to put in an efficient and effective ventilation system on your present roof that can help your home by:

  • Reducing the load on the HVAC system
  • Make your home more comfortable
  • Help your roof to last longer

What Kind of Ventilation is Best?

Each structure is unique, so to make sure that you get the right sort of ventilation, you need a trained roofing authority that has the experience to go over your roof carefully to create a unique system that follows the ABCs of ventilation: Ample, Balanced and Controlled.


An Ample system has enough capacity to provide all of the benefits of ventilation and reduce the stress on your entire roof assembly. To determine that, a roofing expert needs to look at your present ventilation and match it with additional ventilation that will increase airflow capacity.


With a Balanced system, the type of intake matches the exhaust so that the amount of air going in is equal to the amount going out. A balanced system creates a stackup effect so that the fresh, dry air comes in the intake vent and forces that moist, stale air out of the exhaust.


Control means preventing leakage of air into the attic from below.

Without the proper ventilation system, moist air from cooking and bathing can lead to:

  • Mold
  • Poor indoor air quality
  • Stress on your HVAC system
  • Degradation of the roof

Do You Need a Venting System?

If your attic is very hot, or if you see nails in the attic that have rusted, you probably need to consider having your roof inspected to see if you need additional roof ventilation. Longhorn Roofing is an Owens Corning contractor with over 30 years of experience in properly ventilating roofs in the Austin area. Call Longhorn Roofing to set up a thorough inspection of your ventilation system and explain your repair or replacement options.